Monday, November 26, 2012

Hell on needles

I love bamboo needles. They do not love me.

These are pieces of one needle that sheered off yesterday. A couple of weeks ago I got a splinter from this same needle. I am contemplating buying some replacements, but I'm 18 pattern repeats of 24 done on the pink scarf, so I'm not sure it's really worth it.
This is the sad and tragic state of said needle.
So, to buy new needles, to sand this needle into submission, or to just keep calm and carry on?

Monday, November 12, 2012

More than halfway done

The pink scarf is now loveseat-sized.

Looking good!
I managed to mess up one row in a big way. The Husband was making a racket while I was concentrating on counting, and it threw me completely off, so I somehow ended up with 52 stitches instead of 49 at the end of that row. I fixed it in the next row. You'd think that after 15 years of me giving him the Stinkeye every time he talks to me while I'm hunched over a pattern he would finally LEARN. But no.


I also managed to get a huge sliver in my thumb from the bamboo needle. I'm surprised it's taken this long to happen.