So I'm still trying to figure out how to use my rigid heddle loom. Damn you, Springwater Fiber Workshop! Why did you have to go out of business. I need a hands-on class.
There are two ways to dress a rigid heddle loom: with a warping board, just like any other loom, and directly onto the loom, which is vastly preferable, but which I haven't yet figured out how to do in my limited living space because it involves walking back and forth between the loom and an end point that's as long as your warp...which can be in excess of nine feet, depending on what you're making. So for the time being, and for this first project, I went with the warping board. It's a major pain in the ass; I can't figure out how to make all the warp ends come out even, so I fear this won't be pretty when all is said and done. But that's ok...I'm using leftover yarn and am not exactly planning on making this thing into a Christmas present. It's just practice! Don't judge me.
The warp has been wound on. Much gnashing of teeth has already occurred. |
Looking a little less wonky now that it's tied onto the front. |
It looks sort of plaid-ish, yes? |