Monday, October 24, 2005


This is the first thing I've ever tried to create without a pattern (besides baby blankets). It's a crab, in case you can't tell. I'd love feedback -- what works and what doesn't? As usual I'm wrestling with whether to give him a mouth. Or more legs, for that matter.

He's a little out of focus -- maybe he's a soft-shell crab. Heh.


Anonymous said...

He's cute just the way he is!

Deneen said...

He's adorable!

Anonymous said...

Hmm.....I love the color, initially I thought he was a Halloween appropriate decapitated frog (hey, you did an eye, it's not so far fetched.) - - my vote, more legs....he's only got two, right? I'm still wondering if you have them all lined up in the condo somewhere, watching.....

LadyLinoleum said...

Love him just the way he is!

Tandi said...

He turned out so cute!